Why Choose Us

Real oak requires a structural engineer and planning would require you, in most situations, to use new oak and not ancient timbers. Although some new oak can look effective in certain properties, in others it can look out of place and the overall cost implications can be huge.

Oak cladding is another expensive solution. Using sections of new oak to cover an existing RSJ can be, in our experienced opinion, the worse solution. It has the effect of appearing obviously new and the joints are often visible.

Oak beam boxes are another way of concealing RSJs or unwanted beams.
These consist of original oak beams which are hollowed out to cover an existing area; again a potentially expensive solution and a technique which is not versatile due to its weight.

Some companies will make replica plaster beams, on site, giving a finished result which can look relatively realistic, but the process can be extremely inconvenient to the homeowner. The finished result is a very thin coating which can often be weak and susceptible to damage, especially at low level.

There are also replica oak resin beams on the market;again not very versatile and can not be adapted to most surroundings,These beams are also machine made and a repeat design.

All period creations replica oak beams are tailored to your needs in our workshop. The finished result can be seen and held prior to installation.They are virtually unrecognisable from real timber; much more cost effective; more versatile and a fraction of the weight of real oak.
